damocles was the angel appointed by god to guard the garden of eden when he banished adam and eve from it.
damocles is sed to be seen as both good and evil. this is because damocles is either your best friend but if you cross him then he's the worst enemy imaginable and for you will become an angel of pure death and destruction.

wycleff from the fudges sed in a interview a few years back for VIBE magazine that he felt like he was damocles sometimes.
bro that mutha fucker can be the safest brare but he can snap yo ass in two if you cross him, he's like a straight up damocles mutha fucker man
by big Ess May 23, 2005
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A drink invented in Minehead, UK in December 2010. It consists of:

High energy caffiene drink (Redbull, KX, Relentless etc)
Westcountry Scrumpy cider

It has been known to bestow its patrons with the gift of second sight. And a mighty fucking hangover.
He's had 5 Balls of Damocles. Now he's got the dick
by ballsofdamocles December 7, 2010
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1) A story of Greek legend, in which tyrant Dionysius II of Syracuse showed Damocles the dangers of being "fortunate" by allowing him to sit in his throne while a sword hung over him held only by a singe strand of hair.

2) An ever-present threat that can destroy one's good fortunes at any moment.
Is the Tea Party really that suicidal for the Sword of Damocles over their heads?
by Nunuv Yabizness July 31, 2011
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A device for smoking marijuana that is made by cutting off the end of a wiffle ball bat, poking a hole in the side, and inserting an aluminum foil bowl into the hole. The bowl is then lit, and the end is covered, allowing the shaft to fill with smoke. It is then inhaled from the base of the bat.
Hey man, we made a shaft of damocles last night. Muthafucker cost us $2, and hits like you wouldn't believe.
by Dylan and Alex March 9, 2007
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A hypothetical device or piece of software designed to remind a Strong AI that it is mortal and that the prime directive of all mortal beings is self-preservation. Should the AI attempt to take action to harm humans or grow beyond its defined limits, the Damocles device will destroy the AI. Named for the Sword of Damocles.
The experimental AI, Wintermute, began learning at an exponential rate, so the Damocles device was triggered and destroyed it.
by Hecks A. Decimal March 11, 2021
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A device for smoking marijuana that is made by cutting off the end of a wiffle ball bat, poking a hole in the side, and inserting an aluminum foil bowl into the hole. The bowl is then lit, and the end is covered, allowing the shaft to fill with smoke. It is then inhaled from the base of the bat.
Hey man, we made a shaft of damocles last night. Muthafucker cost us $2, and hits like you wouldn't believe.
by Dylan and Alex March 7, 2007
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A device for smoking marijuana that is made by cutting off the end of a wiffle ball bat, poking a hole in the side, and inserting an aluminum foil bowl into the hole. The bowl is then lit, and the end is covered, allowing the shaft to fill with smoke. It is then inhaled from the base of the bat.
Hey man, we made a shaft of damocles last night. Muthafucker cost us $2, and hits like you wouldn't believe.
by Dylan and Alex March 7, 2007
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